Together, we can prevent abuse

BAG is about promoting positive, equal and respectful relationships, challenging gender stereotypes, boosting your sense of self, and transforming the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that enable male violence against women.


After surviving an abusive relationship, I created BAG out of a desperate need to prevent anyone else from experiencing abuse. Let’s bring this uncomfortable topic out in the open, in a bold and positive way, without judgement. Silence enables abusers, so the more open we are, the more we talk about it, the more we can prevent it.

Abuse can include emotional, sexual, physical, financial, psychological and coercive control. While it can be perpetrated by women against male partners and occurs in same sex relationships, it is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against female partners. Domestic abuse is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality.

According to WHO, one third of women worldwide have been abused by an intimate partner, with 1 in 4 women experiencing abuse before their mid-twenties.

These women are not other people - they are our friends, our family, our colleagues, our classmates, our neighbours, they are us. Let’s talk about it, let’s prevent it. ​ Thank you for being here.

Kepi Roberts, Founder

Because it’s more than just a BAG

Your BAG raises awareness to get us talking about abuse.

Talking breaks down the silence, stigma, and shame so we can prevent it.
Start a conversation.

Make a difference

10% of your purchase is donated to charities that provide life-saving services for women and children escaping abusive relationships, accessing safety, and rebuilding their lives.

 Meet the team behind BAG


Kepi Roberts

Rhian Mclaren


Make an impact

When you buy a BAG, you are directly supporting the economic independence and livelihoods of women in South India through ethical employment, training, and community support.